Articles on Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena & Vesta at

Articles on Diana, Pandora, Psyche, Sappho & Urania at

Articles on Named Centaurs at

Articles on Unnamed Centaurs at

Articles on Long-Term Transits and Transiting Aspects at

Scroll down to read:

ARTICLE #1: The upcoming influence of
the Full Blue Capricorn Moon
ARTICLE #2: The current influence of
transiting Mars in Gemini
ARTICLE #3: The current influence of
transiting Jupiter in Gemini
ARTICLE #4: The current influence of
transiting Saturn,
transiting Neptune &  transiting Nessus
all in Retrograde in Pisces
ARTICLE #5: The current influence of
transiting Neptune in Pisces trine
transiting 1998-VG44 conjunct
transiting 2001-SQ73 in Cancer
ARTICLE #6: The current influence of
transiting Pluto in Retrograde in Aquarius
ARTICLE #7: The current influence of
the transiting North Node in Aries


Pluto in Aquarius trines1 Mars in Gemini, as Jupiter in Gemini sextiles2 Venus in Leo, while Chiron< in Aries trines1 2002-VR130> in Leo, as Uranus in Taurus not only sextiles2 Echeclus# in Cancer, and not only squares3 Venus in Leo, but also trines1 Hylonome% in Capricorn, while Saturn conjunct4 Nessus! in Pisces not only sextiles2 1999-OX3+ in Taurus, but also trines1 Pallas Athena<< conjunct4 Sappho>> in Scorpio, as Neptune in Pisces not only trines1 1998-VG44$ conjunct4 the Sun in Cancer opposite5 the Full Blue Capricorn Moon on July 21, 2024. Pairs of individuals in conversations contiguous to each other couldn’t possibly have been discussing more divergent topics. The first pair venture into every topic deep, dark, undetermined & misunderstood: A.I., the Aquarian Age, the true influence & true status of Pluto’s role in our solar system, the short-term future of democracy in America & the corruptibility of science. The other people talking are a man & a woman going to the beach, both wearing t-shirts over bathing suits, and both so enamored of each other & each other’s bodies that there is absolutely no interest in discussing any worldly affairs. Throughout the conversation of the former, however, many news articles & news writers which they both cite elicit the same question from each of them, sometimes one appraising the other & sometimes genuinely not knowing, “But do we know if that is true? Did anybody of any legitimacy corroborate that account?” Throughout the conversation of the latter, however, the tenor & thrust is a list of names of potential suitors, and former potential suitors’ current lovers, those who also want to go out with potential suitors, whether these potential suitors are really straight or are not yet out of the closet – and why, of course, these potential suitors are doing everything else in the world have anything to do with the two have the conversation because they happen to be going out with each other.  

ARIES – When one of your sisters asks your mother, “Mom, was there anybody else you were considering marrying before Dad?,” you notice your father look straight ahead, as if he was driving along the highway just before the exit to New York City. And well he should! Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon confirm that your father has no idea what your mother is going to say – or how she is going to say it. He will probably know some of the names involved, but, really, he has to concentrate – he’s a combination of mailman & husband, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds," for better or worse. He signed up for the job & now he is going to do it.  

TAURUS – Nobody asked your opinion – but everybody wonders about the vengeance to which you brought the executions of chores that you chose to do after an unusually provocative discussion with any number of ineffable, undefined implications. In that context, Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon agree that Taurus the Bull does not handle doubt well. In your opinion, shallow people speak far too lightly of extremely dark things with substantive consequences reaching generations into the future, “Why don’t they just shut up?” Don’t be mean!  

GEMINI – You say that you are ready for many of the transformations that upcoming economic & political discrepancies foretell – except, as Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon signify, the one which will actually occur. All forms of prognostication, including astrology, are not airtight scenarios, because the prognosticator or astrologer is not in a position to control all the variables of the environment. Therefore, in order for you to avoid incurring a reputation as one who spreads disinformation, you must raise the disclaimer that all that you now posit is speculative.  

CANCER – Amantha Starr, protagonist of Robert Penn Warren’s Band of Angels, daughter of a bankrupt slave owner who is sold into slavery herself, before being sold again to the captain of a fleet of slave trading vessels, is disinformation to herself. Everybody knows about her, but everybody’s knowledge is also vague; Amantha accumulates all that knowledge then wonders who she is. Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon note that the book ends on the plains of the new American state of Kansas, where Amantha looks at & listens to the wind.  

LEO – Reread, or see another edition, of Eugene O’Neill’s A Long Day’s Journey into Night. The wife of James & the mother of the Tyrone family, Mary, is a beautiful nightmare, addicted to morphine, who can reduce the simplest thought into delusion, submission & death. Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon demand that you do not acquiesce. You must fight your way out of your illusion. You must stumble forward into the light. You must breathe in fresh air.  

VIRGO – Local mothers harbor prejudice against superstar legal high school & college athletes. Have they earned that prejudice? For the most part, yes. But Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon now demand to know if that prejudice applies to the contemporary superstar of the current era – and, so far, it looks like the current superstar is winning. However, watch how this current dynamic develops to determine why exactly such opponents hold such prejudices in the first place.  

LIBRA – Bosses: For many years, you operated as judge & jury to employees investigated for misconduct. Realize that, now, Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon declare that your assumptions no longer apply. Indeed, legal & professional adversaries may have more information than you about the issue in question. Don’t act out of habit. Caution!  

SCORPIO – Judges did not declare the motions & claims of a pronounced political & economic adversary as frivolous, but neither did they grant them. What does this mean? Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon reply that judges did not want to insult your adversaries, but rather may wish to empower them. In other words, your opponents did not get what they wanted & judges maintained order. This favors you.  

SAGITTARIUS – Comedians: A new joke against your opponents will hurt most of your audience, who may not be able to stop laughing, but it will also offend the current butt of your jokes whom your audience favors, which may induce them to seek revenge. But are they actually capable of getting such revenge? Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon reply, “Unlikely – in fact, you may gain a windfall profit.” Gauge the “strength” of your adversary.”  

CAPRICORN – Artists, musicians: If you really are ready to show your artwork or to perform your music in a spontaneous display or concert, Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon encourage you to post the details to your Instagram account or Facebook page, then open the doors wide. Once your commit, however, there will be no more leeway for half-assed moves. Don’t put yourself into a position where a competitor hands your face back to you.

AQUARIUS – You only deliver the message – what the message says is not your problem. However, as you begin to notice how harshly random people whom you do not know receive the news, you begin to blame yourself. Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon say, “Nonsense.” You did your job. Get yourself a beer.  

PISCES – You see the handwriting on the wall. Therefore, Pluto, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Chiron, 2002-VR130, Uranus, Echeclus, Hylonome, Saturn, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, Neptune, 1998-VG44, the Sun & the Full Capricorn Moon strongly advise you to explain to children the importance of maintaining appropriate behavior & sticking to their discipline. The near future, authority figures will not pay any attention to your children unless your children attract such attention – and, if they do attract such attention, it will be all for the wrong reasons. Instruct, “If you mind your own business you can fly under the radar without anybody bothering you. Keep to yourself – and avoid those looking to form groups in order to attract attention. Stand alone.”  

< Chiron, named after the wounded centaur who sacrificed his immortality in return for the liberation of Prometheus (he who stole fire from the gods!) was the first centaur planet discovered back in 1977. Chiron, described as "the wounded healer" by Zane Stein & Barbara Hand Clow, bridges the gap between Saturn & Uranus, exhorting us to teach that which we most need to learn.  

> 2002-VR130 is an unnamed centaur planet discovered on November 7, 2002. The orbit of 2002-VR130 commences beyond the orbit of Saturn as it crosses over the orbit of Uranus & Neptune.  

# Echeclus, a centaur planet that traverses from the orbit of Jupiter to the orbit of Uranus, was discovered in March 2000 & named in February 2006. Echeclus, in the battle fought between the Centaurs & the Lapiths, died as the Lapith Ampyx threw his spear without a tip directly into Echeclus' face as Echeclus was attacking Ampyx at full gallop. For information on how to interpret Echeclus, formerly 2000-EC98, note reference to Philip Sedgwick below.

% Hylonome, named after the wife of centaur Cyllarus, with whom she died during the Centaurs' battle with the Lapiths, was discovered in February 1995 & named during the year 2000. Hylonome bridges the gap in consciousness between Uranus & Neptune, forcing us to draw unexpected links between "accident" & "devotion" much more rapidly than is either wise or comfortable.

! Nessus, named after the centaur whose bloodied & semen-stained shirt eventually killed Hercules, was discovered during the siege at Waco in April 1993 & named in 1997. Nessus bridges the gap in consciousness between Saturn & Pluto, forcing us to discard naivete about jealousy, anger, irrationality & evil in ourselves & in others so that we may cultivate the will & the stomach to evolve as a species.  

@ 1999-OX3 is an unnamed transneptunian object (TNO) discovered on July 21, 1999. The orbit of 1999-OX3 traverses between the orbits of Uranus & Pluto. For information on how to interpret 1999-OX3, note reference to Philip Sedgwick below.  

Juan Antonio Revilla
postulates that 1999-OX3 should be named Aethon, after one of the four demon-steeds of Pluto's chariot.  

<< Pallas Athena, the second asteroid to be discovered in 1802, was named after the warrior queen who officially protected ancient Athens. Pallas Athena always thought before she acted to insure inevitable victory. As befits her mythological birth, wherein she sprung fully grown & clad as a warrior from the back of the head of Jupiter, Pallas Athena operates under the same principle as the Queen of Swords in the Tarot, "The densest thought penetrates matter."  

>> Sappho, an asteroid discovered in 1864, is named after the literary & spiritual leader of a mystery temple which presided over the secret sexual rites of the goddess Aphrodite, according to Demetra George's Asteroid Goddess. Sappho was discovered in 1864 by N.R. Pogson at the oldest observatory in India: The Madras Observatory, founded in 1792. Sappho, a refinement in the octave bridging Venus & Neptune, explored all possible sexualities to their ultimate ecstatic & complex conclusions.  

$ 1998-VG44 is an unnamed transneptunian object (TNO) discovered on November 14, 1998.  

The best source in print for how to interpret Chiron, Pallas Athena, Sappho and many other minor planets, in an individual's chart & in transit, is
Asteroid Goddess, written by Demetra George and published by
ACS Publications of San Diego, California.  

A great source online for how to interpret Chiron, Echeclus, Hylonome, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho and many other centaurs, asteroids & minor planets, in an individual's chart & in transit, is
Zane Stein's website "Chiron and Friends” at

Read seminal astrological analysis on Chiron, Hylonome, Nessus, 1999-OX3 and other named & unnamed minor planets, asteroids, centaurs, transneptunians, plutinos and damacloids on
Juan Antonio Revilla’s website “Astrology of the New Centaurs” at  

The only source online for how to interpret 1999-OX3 and many unnamed centaurs and transneptunians, as well as an excellent source for how to interpret Chiron, Echeclus, Hylonome, Nessus and all named centaurs, is
Philip Sedgwick’s webpage “A Summary of The Centaurs”
on Jonathan Dunn’s website "Ephemeral Info” at  

A great resource for ephemeris data on Chiron, 2002-VR130, Echeclus, Hylonome, Nessus, 1999-OX3, Pallas Athena, Sappho, 1998-VG44 and over 3000 minor planets, asteroids & centaurs, is on
Jonathan Dunn's website “Ephemeral Info” at  

An indispensable resource for mythologies from all five continents, including but not limited to African, Native American, Inuit, Mayan, Aztec, Incan, Voodoo, Asian, Norse, Celtic, Oceanic, Greek & Roman mythologies is
Encyclopedia Mythica

Research on the above footnotes
generously provided to the general public
by The IAU: Minor Planet Center

1 A Trine is a harmonious aspect between or amongst planets transiting signs of like element (elements being Fire, Earth, Air & Water).  

2 A Sextile is a harmonious yet primarily mental & social aspect between either Fire & Air signs (Fire being Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;  & Air being Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) or Earth & Water signs (Earth being Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn; & Water being Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).  

3 A Square is a disharmonious 90 degree aspect between or amongst planets transiting signs of like modality (modalities being Cardinal – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn; Fixed – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius; & Mutable – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).  

4 A Conjunction is a harmonious aspect wherein two or more planets meet as they transit the same sign.  

5 An Opposition is a disharmonious 180 degree aspect between or amongst planets transiting signs of like modality (modalities being Cardinal – Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn; Fixed – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius; & Mutable – Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces).  


Mars transits Gemini from July 20 to September 4, 2024. Nobody need tell you – nobody need tell anybody – that you have your hand on the pulse of the future. You will know it. Your allies will know it. Your enemies will know it. Your allies know that now is not the time to exploit the future that you know, and they will disappear. Your enemies will target you for repression. Recall the plight of John Galt in Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. Lay low. Hide until you can escape.  

ARIES – If you recall the plight of John Galt in Atlas Shrugged, you will remember that author Ayn Rand constructed his character as the intransigently idealistic genius inventor whose achievement he designed to transform 20th century herd capitalism into a never-ending utopia. So, what happened? Simple – Mars in Gemini states that, all along, Ayn Rand realized, “Without scarcity, there is no wealth.”  

TAURUS – A naïve society would like to believe that a technological innovation will make society & everybody’s lives better. Mars in Gemini counters, “An advanced civilization simply waits for the reaction against any change meant to improve . . . anything.” The other shoe will indeed drop.  

GEMINI – You, alone amongst all your peers, will feel & wield the immensely expansive power of the new inventions & innovations that will drive the new era. Rather than attracting to you praise & admiration, Mars in Gemini notes that this attracts to you only derision & contempt, “You must be part of the conspiracy.” Well, whatever. Prepare to take a step back. Let the ignorant believe that nothing ever happened.  

CANCER – Well are you aware that those who are first to use new technology are amongst the first to cheat with it – or to use it for illegal purposes. Mars in Gemini emphasizes that he who cuts the line at the bank drags their feet back to their jail cell. Get in line behind all the other honest people.

LEO – Don’t be in a mad rush elbowing your way to the front to stare at the new invention from afar within the department store.  Mars in Gemini promises that you will get your own chance, along with other special peers, to play with the new toy all by yourselves.  

VIRGO – Mars in Gemini signifies that bosses will control access to the new innovations & inventions which your firm will implement after the next nine months with ironfisted control. Look elsewhere for a peak into tomorrow.  

LIBRA – Litigators: You’ve seen this innovation or invention already. Does it impress you? Well, whatever. However, Mars in Gemini knows that you are already pulling case law to prepare for the inevitable copyright infringement!  

SCORPIO – A former employee or teammate who just jumped ship for what they interpreted as a better long-term opportunity did not finish a large number of their professional obligations before they left. Mars in Gemini insists that you cannot & should not tolerate that. Demand that they finish the work that were assigned & for which they have already been paid.  

SAGITTARIUS – Comedians: Telling jokes about A.I. are surefire bets to light up the room! However, don’t mention any one specific company – Mars in Gemini warns that members of your audience will think that you are advertising or, worse yet, insider trading.  

CAPRICORN – Merchants: Mars in Gemini agrees that a state-of-the-art surveillance camera is exactly what you need to protect yourself from retail shrinkage at the lowest possible cost & risk.  

AQUARIUS – You have what everybody wants & you can name your price. Mars in Gemini seriously admonishes you not to get arrogant.  

PISCES – Yes, you know that some new whoever is selling a bunch of new gadgets, and, if you had any time to look at them, you might be impressed. But Mars in Gemini confirms that you are not: You are concerned with your family, their future, and, finally, whether they are saved or damned. Who has time to care about robots?.


Jupiter transits Gemini from May 26, 2024 to June 9, 2025. One individual, a youth, screams with both arms & hands extended high into the air, “I’m ready for the future!” Truth be told, no, one is not. For one thing, one must finish the past. A stack of paper four feet high requires electronic rectification to correlate the official records with the actual status of the citizens of one’s city. The people to whom one is beholden, within one’s family, professionally, academically, civically, require explanations as to why one let them down – and then one must atone. Then one must stand in the mirror to ask, “Am I now the person that I intend to be?” Then, at the crossroads – not on a sunny day with beautiful weather, but when a narrow, elongated cloud emitting grayness dominates an ambivalent sky – one must choose where one is going, alone, in the full knowledge that one’s destination may not welcome one’s arrival at all. At the point, in the absence of optimism, in the spirit of realism . . . the future will call.  

ARIES – You learn your idea of your self from your friends – after you tell your friends your ideas about the selves of your friends, because, after all, you are the expert. But Jupiter in Gemini says that is not good enough. You have to work with all sorts of people who don’t care who you are – who care less about you than you care about them. Really? For what? Real simple – the reality of your inviolable self is not something about which your friends can possibly understand or about which most people can even conceive.  

TAURUS – Taurus the Bull, fairly early in the evolution of the zodiac, intellectually conceives of business as between two people: One buys and pays cash, one sells and accepts cash. Simple. What Jupiter in Gemini now postulates is not as simple. Taurus sells ideas, a worldview, counsel. Individuals can buy it. Institutions can buy it. What is “it” that such individuals & institutions buy? Your analysis of what is happening next & why. Why should they do that? You can be wrong. Fair enough. In that instance, all you can sell is your work . . . and trust. What do these people see when they stare deeply into your eyes?  

GEMINI – Gemini the Twin sees the world as binary – either A or B. If not A, B. If not B, A. Jupiter in Gemini complicates this. It includes “Both A and B.” No distinction. No segregation. Everybody, all the time. Then, onto step three. Either always A, never B, all the time, or never A, always B, all the time – forever. Why? Why indeed. That will be the question.  

CANCER – Undeclared enemies – especially including cheaters – expect you to look only where something is supposed to be. Jupiter in Gemini will force you to rely upon instincts rather than formal knowledge. Certain criminals who refuse to follow laws & rules use the laws & rules that people follow against their own victims who follow them. You defeat such criminals by appearing to be one of those victims . . . and then by switching gears.  

LEO – Some of your new partners do not thrill you, but you can work with them. Luckily, Jupiter in Gemini states that certain clients adore such new partners. Don’t fix what’s not broken. Return your attention to what is broken, such as those employees who refuse to cooperate with those clients & their representatives. Then, get everybody on the same page for your favorite topic of all: International business expansion.  

VIRGO – You may look good to bosses, especially new bosses, in the beginning – actually, too good. You are a threat. Bosses & rivals within your company intend to freeze you out. Jupiter in Gemini urges you to take the hint. Bosses & rivals have position on you & will show no mercy. Can you survive? Why would you want to do that? Look elsewhere.  

LIBRA – An auspicious start at the commencement of Jupiter in Gemini will induce the normally rational Libra to sprint through a marathon – particularly if Libra is starting a political career. Hold your horses – a lot of grunt work to be done with your team. Moreover, you cannot ascend to political or showbiz immortality alone: Libran, as always, must choose a worthy partner.  

SCORPIO – Jupiter in Gemini is placing odds & taking bets. The mayor has an agenda? Scorpio has their own agenda. The mayor has a crackerjack team? Scorpio’s team has a better offensive line than the Kansas City Chiefs. The mayor is charismatic, smart & tough. Scorpio smiles, “Good for the mayor. I’m all that & more – I am a Scorpio. Good luck to the mayor on his post-political career.”  

SAGITTARIUS – Why would people hate Sagittarius the Archer? Because they take crazy-ass risks & win. Which means you have enemies – but Jupiter in Gemini confirms, “One who makes enemies, makes friends.” Friends will watch your back – while you perform, with your new lover or business partner to see if they are loyal. Friends will help you with your family as your family struggles. Check, check, check. Yes, yes, yes – you will have friends. 

CAPRICORN – Whatever your professional role, Jupiter in Gemini now empowers a long neglected weak spot: Your vulnerability to theft. Money lost to thieves now hits your wallet & bank account. Golden – but the struggle continues. You do all you can to shore up that now strong formerly weak spot because you want what is yours. Affirm to yourself as you stare deep into your eyes in the mirror, “Neither I nor anybody in my family is an unwitting victim.”  

AQUARIUS – The Chicago Bulls’ Michael Jordan retired as the best ever – but Jupiter in Gemini reminds Michael that, throughout the illustrious career, he was never, “The Only.” The Detroit Pistons taught Michael that – the Detroit Pistons treated Michael so rough the NBA was considering putting in penalty minutes complete with a penalty box. Michael won with Scottie Pippin. Michael won with Phil Jackson’s Chicago Bulls. Then, finally, for Ring No. 6, Michael Jordan won . . . with Michael Jordan.  

PISCES – Jupiter in Gemini demands that you teach your children discipline before Pluto in Aquarius teaches them the hard way. You can’t do this by yourself. You must enlist family members & true, mature friends to help instill that discipline in those children. For your own part, invest money in your home & family to keep your children occupied within the family circle – not amongst some other family’s children over which you have zero control.  


Saturn in Pisces
transits Retrograde Motion*
from June 29 to November 15, 2024, while
Neptune in Pisces
transits Retrograde Motion*
from July 2 to December 7, 2024, and while
Nessus@ in Pisces
transits Retrograde Motion*
from June 10 to November 30, 2024.

Saturn in Pisces rules endings which are personal – the end of bachelorhood, graduation, retirement, if things go well; divorce, expulsion, arrest or suicide, if things go badly. Now, provocatively, Saturn in Pisces also rules the ending of Neptune in Pisces, which will commence its next transit through Aries intermittently, in 2025 & 2026.

Saturn & Neptune bring an end to societal forces begun not only in 2023, when Saturn last entered Pisces, and not only in 2012, when Neptune last entered Pisces, but, in fact from when Neptune exited Pisces to enter Aries in April 1861, at the commencement of the American Civil War, completing one full orbit of Neptune.

Nessus, believe it or not, goes even deeper. With Nessus, we live with & directly experience the karmic consequences of past reincarnational lives, and we create, from scratch, the status & consequences of future reincarnational lives.  

ARIES – However small, big or excruciating the decision you must make, Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, insist that you live with it. Better to fail publicly than privately know that the reflection in your mirror is disappointed because you failed to do what it expected of you.  

TAURUS – Does Nikki Haley realize that South Carolina eventually emerged from its roots as the extremely vicious slave plantation culture that relocated to the mainland U.S. from Barbados? Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, reply, “Unlikely.” Nikki Haley’s parents relocated from India via Vancouver less than five years before she was born. What would Nikki Haley say if you told her that slave owners in the mid-19th century bred new slaves personally by mating with the plantation’s most bodacious slave women?  

GEMINI – Of course, different insider traders killed New York brokerage houses over 150 years old by propagating their frauds. Then again, developing his own, and a better vision of, the Internet by inventing the Bloomberg Terminal, currently in use by his long-time client Merrill Lynch, Michael Bloomberg was able to invest $70 million of his own multi-billion-dollar fortune to run for the Mayor of New York City. Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, agree, “It all depends upon how you look at it.”  

CANCER – The international downfall of Catholicism as a result of widespread child molestation deflects any & all positive attention from an institution which venerated those who sacrificed their lives for the greater good. Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, state that what is necessary is to put these saints in a new context. Place these saints next to Stephen Girard, one of the first bankers in the United States at the turn of the 19th century who actually personally cared for those stricken with yellow fever in his Philadelphia mansion at the time when he was the wealthiest man in the United States.  

LEO – When Bugs Moran sent his fellow North Side gangsters to assassinate Al Capone at his headquarters, the Hawthorne Inn in Cicero, Illinois, while Capone ate lunch in the restaurant, they fired one thousand blanks to alarm Capone & to lure him out of hiding. When Capone & his henchman saw nothing broken after one thousand gunshots, they realized the ruse, they all fell face first to the floor before the North Side gangsters began to shoot real bullets. Why go through all this trouble? Because Bugs Moran did not want a bloodbath – Bugs Moran wanted Al Capone. Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, state that this is why nobody wanted to support Capone anymore after the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. So much blood on so few hands.  

VIRGO – Read Scorpio: Singles dating: Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, insist that marriage is an irrevocable karmic step that will follow you into your next reincarnational life. Commit or abort – and not the baby, the spouse.  

LIBRA – You needed the money so you got a job – sure. However, if you are not doing anything special as you work your job, Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, implore you, “Get the money you need & get out of there.” Get a job which lights all your bulbs.  

SCORPIO – Read Virgo. Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, declare that porn stars have no boyfriend or no girlfriend. Be who you are with no regrets. Cards upon the table – you are not trying to fool anybody.  

SAGITTARIUS – Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, announce that you are only having nightmares about your deceased grandparents or parents because you refuse to listen. What grandparents or parents say is truly subtle – but if you consider what grandparents or parents really mean while you are awake, they will send to you much more informative clues.  

CAPRICORN – Many people have an easier time talking about time travel than reincarnational lives because they figure that some brainiac is getting tens of millions of dollars from some venture capitalist to make it happen. Maybe so, but, as for yourself, Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, encourage you to communicate the lessons of reincarnation through the metaphorical vehicle of time travel. Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life and Mark Helprin’s Winter’s Tale – the tools are out there.  

AQUARIUS – A friend starts discussing reincarnation. “Reincarnation?” you parrot. “Whoa – that’s a lot, dude.” Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, concede the point. Ergo, (That means, “Therefore,”) start reading some classics which will inform you about the vicissitudes stimulated by karma. Start with Ovid’s Metamorphoses.  

PISCES – Karma, consequences, the effects manifest from the cause – Saturn, Neptune & Nessus, all in Retrograde in Pisces, state that this is your wheelhouse. However, limit your concentration & energy to well-defined parameters. The consequences may indeed exceed the karmic conflict which caused it. 

* Nessus, named after the centaur whose bloodied & semen-stained shirt eventually killed Hercules, was discovered during the siege at Waco in April 1993 & named in 1997. Nessus bridges the gap in consciousness between Saturn & Pluto, forcing us to discard naivete about jealousy, anger, irrationality & evil in ourselves & in others so that we may cultivate the will & the stomach to evolve as a species.

A great source online for how to interpret Nessus and many other centaurs, asteroids & minor planets, in an individual's chart & in transit, is
Zane Stein's website "Chiron and Friends" at

Read seminal astrological analysis on Nessus and other named & unnamed minor planets, asteroids, centaurs, transneptunians, plutinos and damacloids on
Juan Antonio Revilla’s website “Astrology of the New Centaurs” at

The only source online for how to interpret many unnamed centaurs and transneptunians, as well as an excellent source for how to interpret Nessus and all named centaurs, is
Philip Sedgwick’s webpage “Riders in the Sky – The Centaurs”
on Zane Stein's website "Chiron and Friends”  at

A great resource for ephemeris data on Nessus and over 3000 minor planets, asteroids & centaurs, is on
Jonathan Dunn's website "Ephemeral Info" at

An indispensable resource for mythologies from all five continents, including but not limited to African, Native American, Inuit, Mayan, Aztec, Incan, Voodoo, Asian, Norse, Celtic, Oceanic, Greek & Roman mythologies is
Encyclopedia Mythica

Research on the above footnotes generously provided to the general public by
The IAU: Minor Planet Center

* Planets either move forward, in which case they orbit in Direct Motion, or move backward, in which case they orbit in Retrograde Motion. Planets in Direct Motion seek to make progress, while Planets in Retrograde Motion seek to redress past imbalances. .


Neptune in Pisces trines2 1998-VG44< conjunct1 2001-SQ73> in Cancer from March 7 to May 9, 2024.  Never before has there been a demand so high for news that nobody wants to hear. But, be warned: Even though everybody wants this news that nobody wants to hear, (because everybody has a stake in this news that everybody wants to hear, even though the money involved in this stake goes down in value all of the time) the news must, in & of itself, be self-evidently correct as well as verified by all appropriate third parties, because groups of individuals who share collective interests rely upon this information to make individual as well as collective decisions.. None of this news is good news – everybody already knows that. Which is why it has never been more dangerous for somebody who opposes the consensus – especially such a consensus that all the news is absolutely bad – to offer, contrary to all available facts & widespread public opinion . . . false hope.  

ARIES – Did all your siblings grow up in the city where you now live? If so, then Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 confirm that you, and all your peers & the peers of your siblings, know what you know, about the world & about each other, because you all grew up knowing the same people, places & things. Outsiders can fool one of your individually – but get you, your siblings & peers in the same room, and those outsiders face a brick wall that they will never be able to crack.  

TAURUS – Ah, the revisionist history of political discussions in the barroom after the fourth round of drinks! What is fact & what is opinion – except that one’s colleagues’ & adversaries’ opinions are but facts in themselves? Outside the barroom, facts need to confirm two separate reliable sources so that they may be presented to the public as fact. All that being said, Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 insist that what occurs in a barroom has nothing at all in common with the public opinion of the common man. Keep “opinion” & “fact” permanently separate in your consciousness.  

GEMINI – You’ve divided your money into so many different accounts, including large-scale money market accounts that you rarely consult, and you have been adding & withdrawing from several of those different accounts simultaneously over time, that you really have no idea how much money you have, both in terms of net worth & in terms of what you have available right now. Not only is this an inconvenience when you must make financial decisions about what money you can & you cannot spend, but Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 declare that it could also become an obstacle, should other business interests wish to make you an offer.  

CANCER – The more that you have traveled the world, the more that such travel has colored the way your various levels of education & your various forays into organized religion & New Age spirituality have influenced your core personality. Furthermore, Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 note that not all of these influences have integrated seamlessly – nor will they. The Crab’s ruler is the Moon – the Crab is a different person when the Moon is in Taurus than when the Moon is in Scorpio. This is not a debilitating weakness – it is a complex & unfathomable strength. The kaleidoscope of you!  

LEO – Unseemly news accompanies professional developments at your company. Of course, you, personally, are very interested in the new assignments, promotions & general shakeup of the different departments, many with whom you will be working. However, Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 also reveals very unpleasant legal news about a specific individual, replete with even more gossip surrounding them about many other different people. The actual news about the specific individual is truly unfortunate but the gossip reflects not any attempt to discern or to discover the truth but seems to titillate the prurient interests of the emotionally callous for immature & counterproductive reasons. Refuse to indulge such cheap, mean-spirited, low-minded amusement.  

VIRGO – During the recent criminal trial of former NFL tight end Kellen Winslow, Jr. in San Diego, the defense attorney for Winslow asked a 58-year-old homeless woman who accused Winslow of raping her if she recognized a photograph of Winslow’s black Hummer. Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 highlights this detail of this disturbingly lurid trial to remind everybody, but especially men, that when women feel extremely upset because they personally, or as a gender, feel threatened with sexual violence from men, details which may be clear to a safe & secure viewer watching this “episode” on “television” spin around in an internal, psychological kaleidoscope of blood, genitals, dirt, spit & tears – and they may remember things that do not correspond to, to use such cold impersonal terms, “the facts of the case.” But does that mean that he did not rape her?  

LIBRA – While accountants auditing the books have no intention of releasing proprietary information, upper level professional management at your employer knows well that there are very few employees sophisticated enough to fathom the real political & financial state of affairs where you work – the rest of them simply don’t have, and do not want, a clue. However much you would like to know exactly what is going on, Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73  encourage you to ask yourself, and to respond truthfully, “Out of those very few employees who are privy to enough information to understand what is happening at work – do any of them really want to understand any of it?”  

SCORPIO – Some people have the gall to spread gossip about somebody from their hometown who now lives in another country on the other side of the continent whom they have not seen for twenty years – after all, how are you going to find out the real story, hmmm? Well, Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 signify that you are not about to give up so easy. After you do your initial internet search, complete with perusals of Facebook, LinkedIn and all sorts of subsidiary social media sites, you will do what people did back in the day: You will talk with a friend of a friend of a friend. Once you get a more credible lead, you’ll be able to use the Internet much more efficiently . . . and you will be able to contradict those who doubted that you had any resources at all.  

SAGITTARIUS – While it is now imperative for you to keep track of your money, for your own sake & the sake of your family, it is still only money. Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 demand that you find a way to get clear & correct information about whether a family member who has been engaging in vice on the wrong side of town is in trouble with the law. Don’t worry if that family member is broke now – just get down to the bottom of the cold hard truth so that you may know whether or not the legal status of this family member will allow them to earn the money that they will need for the rest of their lives. Find yourself a hero or heroine to save your family member from damnation in this living Hell!  

CAPRICORN – Does any of the gossip, rumor, innuendo or disinformation of your spouse, partner, rival or . . . whoever . . . have any bearing on any issues of genuine worldly significance? If so, Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 warn you that you will need to conduct repeat, obtuse, long & enervating interrogations to find out: 1) What certain people say; and 2) What certain people mean – before determining whether what certain people say or mean is correct & accurate. If not, you will need to conduct repeat, obtuse, long & enervating interrogations to get to the bottom of things that you really did not need to know. Determine beforehand whether or not it really is worthwhile or if it is a waste of time.  

AQUARIUS – Don’t take workplace gossip seriously. While it is not always the case that, “what you don’t know cannot hurt you,” Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 state that this is case concerning what you & your insular clique do not know about the inner workings of your professional workplace, right now. Ignorance is bliss!  

PISCES – Like all the guys, you can talk about business, you can talk dividends, price-to-earning ratio & market capitalization, you can discuss five-year effects of the trade war on your entire industry sector, you can brag on your favorite NFL team  – but you also have opinions as to what color nail polish Kim Kardashian should wear, you have a passionate argument as to whether Paris Hilton has had breast implants, and you will also contribute a gift of your own to the new mother when your wife asks you to drive her to her best friend’s baby shower. What gives? Real simple: Neptune, 1998-VG44 & 2001-SQ73 empower you to make an impression on other people in every possible circumstance in life . . . . to communicate that you really care about them. It is not all about money & power! Michael Strahan works seven days a week!  

< 1998-VG44 is an unnamed transneptunian object (TNO) discovered on November 14, 1998.  

> 2001-SQ73 is an unnamed centaur planet discovered on September 19, 2001. The orbit of 2001-SQ73 crosses over the orbit of Uranus. For information on how to interpret 2001-SQ73, note reference to Philip Sedgwick below.  

The only source online for how to interpret 2001-SQ73 and many other unnamed centaurs and transneptunians, as well as an excellent source for how to interpret all named centaurs, is
Philip Sedgwick’s webpage “A Summary of The Centaurs”
on Jonathan Dunn’s website "Ephemeral Info” at

A great resource for ephemeris data on 1998-VG44, 2001-SQ73 and over 3000 minor planets, asteroids & centaurs, is on
Jonathan Dunn's website “Ephemeral Info” at

An indispensable resource for mythologies from all five continents, including but not limited to African, Native American, Inuit, Mayan, Aztec, Incan, Voodoo, Asian, Norse, Celtic, Oceanic, Greek & Roman mythologies is
Encyclopedia Mythica

Research on the above footnotes
generously provided to the general public
by The IAU: Minor Planet Center

1 A Conjunction is a harmonious aspect wherein two or more planets meet as they transit the same sign.  

2 A Trine is a harmonious aspect between or amongst planets transiting signs of like element (elements being Fire, Earth, Air & Water).


Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn transits Retrograde Motion* from May 2 to October 12, 2024. There is a world of difference between response & reaction. Response? A tennis warm-up amongst friends with well-tuned & melodious instruments. But a reaction – an even-handed statement followed by an ostensibly equally even-handed, but actually terser, tighter & extremely violent declaration of hostilities against an enemy of the people, an ultimatum with a deadline or an announcement (between two people, an announcement by some self-appointed head of state) of the severing of friendly relations. As well as much less civilized, barbaric reactions, bovine & vulgar insults by a voice ever-increasing in volume, shaking with rage. The person who made that original even-handed statement wonders, “Really – was there any good reason for such unrestrained antagonism?” On some occasions, a third party will be watching. “Absolutely not,” they answer what was intended to be a rhetorical question. “One might argue that such a malicious or visceral reaction is in fact illegal.”  

ARIES – Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn emphasizes that how you speak with friends should differ significantly with how you speak with strangers. With friends, you can express how you really feel – but, if you seek to express an idea or feeling that is politically volatile or incorrect, lower your voice, even if you are in private. With strangers, express what you think as you veil unseemly, politically incorrect sentiments. Do feel free to raise the issue of “political correctness” without overtly violating it.  

TAURUS – As Marshall McLuhan emphasized in Understanding Media, expressing opinions through media which utilize “acoustic space,” including especially television & radio, inflames emotions, while media which refrains from doing so, such as reading a newspaper or book, does not. (Nobody in the room hears the words that one person reads – even the reader himself or herself). Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn therefore connotes that those who express extremely hostile or malicious opinions in media which already inflame emotions, are like criminals disturbing the peace – and will aim to keep such expression firmly in check.  

GEMINI – Astronomers, astrologers: When Sir William Herschel submitted to the Royal Society the records of his observations of the newly discovered planet Uranus in 1781, he included the specifications of telescopes he built & used – which, as it turned out, were more powerful than any telescope in England. Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn now asks, “In the 21st century, who can afford to build & to use their own telescope? What does that say about astronomers & astrologers who wish to study & to make an impact on science if they are not directly affiliated with, and, in fact, paid, by universities with observatories?”   exhorts you personally to take steps to challenge such academic courtiers such as CalTech’s Brown, who seeks to claim ownership of that which he cannot buy & which in fact is not for sale: Knowledge & science.  

CANCER – LGBTQ political adherents: Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn announces that your pollical cause & constituencies will be under focused siege through the complete transit of Pluto in Aquarius in 2043. Reactions may be as violent as the 1898 Wilmington Coup or the 1919 Tulsa Race Riots against African-Americans. Not everybody will love you – ever. Define your role within the greater matrix, champion it & seek allies who will protect & champion you. Nothing happens automatically with a snap of any politician’s fingers.  

LEO – Partners, opponents & rivals will challenge you, not because they dislike you, but they respect your power. All that is well & good, and, frankly, you could care less. Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn states that what concerns you is simple, “Can I work with this individual?”  

VIRGO – Yes, artificial intelligence will change your workplace. Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn qualifies, “It may greatly surprise you how artificial intelligence does so.” Stay tuned. Keep an open mind.  

LIBRA – Kansas City Chief tight end Travis Kelce wanted to celebrate his third Super Bowl Championship by getting drunk at the victory parade held by Kansas City, Missouri on Valentine’s Day. No big deal – until shots rang out & Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas was running away from teenage gunmen. Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn confirmed that Kansas City Chief tight end Kelce learned some lessons Valentine’s Day. “Jesus, man, I just wanted a girl!” Travis might say. Point conceded. But being a prominent civic citizen & family man comes with strings attached – strings that pull tightly. Even if one is merely marrying the soccer star of UMF Afturelding of Mosfellsbær, Iceland, Brittany Lynne Matthews, as his best friend Patrick did. Take heed.  

SCORPIO – Unless you are mayor of your city, you have a limited voice in what happens within it. Even so, Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn responds that it is not enough for you to reject the plan currently being implemented – you must provide a plan in the alternative to replace it. What is your plan? Better yet, have you begun implementing your plan, in a smaller scale, in some isolated neighborhood or smaller cross-section of your city? Talk does not cook the rice.  

SAGITTARIUS – Jerry Seinfeld is a comedian. Because his responsibilities to the public end with comedy, sometimes (not always, sometimes) Jerry behaves badly. Jon Stewart is also a comedian. However, because Stewart’s comedy is grounded first in political satire & later on in political commentary, even more so than Saturday Night Live, whose comedy is grounded in political parody, Jon Stewart can tip the scales of elections. Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn asserts that, while Jerry Seinfeld can do what he likes & drinks coffee in his vintage car, Jon Stewart must consider not only what he says, but, in fact, how he behaves.  

CAPRICORN – First, pay your debt – Capricorn the Goat owes more money than it should. Moving from there, Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn urges you to take out a bank loan to buy equipment that will earn you money in the future. Compare Leo, your 8th house of other peoples’ money, with Aquarius, your 2nd house of your own money. Leo is a big, extravagant production for lots of people. Aquarius is you – your own self-interest, and what you say to promote it. First purchase: Webcam or TV studio. YouTube channel. Also, maintain a print website.  

AQUARIUS – Your most mild-mannered statement evokes the most extreme intellectual & emotional reactions under the current influence of Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn. This will not change. The solution: You must turn yourself into the Tabula Rasa, the blank slate. Allow others to project onto you, as if you are Sigmund Freud or Carl Jung. Concentrate upon how other people irrevocably reveal themselves.  

PISCES – Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius & Capricorn is inducing people to define, to quantify & to transform who he or she is in the absence of any & every context of other people – which might seem to be an absolute contradiction of who Pisces is, how Pisces lives & what Pisces does. Consider the phrase, “You define yourself by the company you keep,” or the principle where you are mathematical mean of your five best friends. Remove all these people from the room except yourself. Stare into the video camera. Begin. ”

* Planets either move forward, in which case they orbit in Direct Motion, or move backward, in which case they orbit in Retrograde Motion. Planets in Direct Motion seek to make progress, while Planets in Retrograde Motion seek to redress past imbalances.  


The North Node$ transits Aries from July 12, 2023 to January 29, 2025. Nobody ever doubted that Theodore Kaczynski was an outright genius – nobody. A brilliant mathematician, his writing, Industrial Society and its Future, otherwise known as The Unabomber Manifesto, published in toto by The Washington Post on September 19, 1995, lives on, disregarded – disregarded because Kaczynski, “the Unabomber,” willfully committed multiple premeditated acts of murder through terrorism. One personal experience which at some point surely induced Kaczynski to even consider such murders lay in the fact that society took him for granted – this unbounded genius with his enormous brain belongs in a university system where he can teach. Nobody ever tried to place Elon Musk, another unbounded genius with sociopathological tendencies, to toil away forever in a university system in utter disregard of the natural gifts which got him the job in the first place – but Musk had his own bank account on which to draw while Kaczynski did not. Still, if The Washington Post would publish him, even out of the most debased & tortuous of circumstances, Kaczynski really could have worked as an academic, with a little foresight & significant mentoring, as he sought to publish his ideas, like astoundingly successful geniuses like Saskia Sassen, author of The Global City and Territory Authority Rights, or the current reigning genius of intellectual thought, economist Thomas Piketty, author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Better than committing suicide in ADX Florence, the supermax prison in Florence, Colorado – a fate much worse than the former fallen football star, movie actor, commercial industry spokesman & TV sportscaster, O.J. Simpson.  

ARIES – Whether you have read it, forgotten it or never even heard of it, the North Node in Aries assigns you a test for 1000% of your current grade: “Answer the question posited by Ayn Rand in her novel Atlas Shrugged, ‘Who is John Galt?’” (Why does Atlas shrug? Atlas replies, “Why do I care that the whole world that relies upon me for their survival takes me for granted? It is not what I want to do.”) The self-reliance of the Übermensch!  

TAURUS – Psychologists discuss, “the intuitive intellect.” The North Node in Aries induces you to obey, “the instinctual intellect.” Know what motivates others to act as you disregard their spoken words – “Elephant Talk” by Andrian Belew off King Crimson’s Discipline, “It’s all talk. Elephant talk. Elephant talk. Elephant talk!”  

GEMINI – Simple ideas often introduce, yield to or represent sweeping eras. Some point to the first three words of Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, “Call me Ishmael,” as the origin of existentialism. Two songs, “She Loves You,” by the Beatles and “Don’t You Want Me, Baby,” by the Human League, commenced the Sixties & the Eighties, respectively. The North Node in Aries exhorts you only to express as you consume all other peoples’ creative expressions. Don’t try to control a sea change.  

CANCER – Vicious outlaws who brazenly strategize extremely dangerous & overt criminal acts fully understand that they can become, metaphorically or literally, “Public Enemy Number 1.” But did Beatle John Lennon expect the U.S. Government to try to deport him before Mark David Chapman assassinated him? Did Salman Rushdie expect Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini to issue him a death sentence for The Satanic Verses? The North Node in Aries offers no clear answers – only the next unworthy victims.  

LEO – Extremely dangerous work in the interests of the state makes the masses curious. If you continue doing it without telling your story – especially if it involves espionage – the North Node in Aries will worry that it can cause you & your soul damage. If you are allowed to & can tell it, write a book about it. Publishers can’t sell unwritten or half-written books.  

VIRGO – Whether your point of contention be sexual, business or creative, the North Node in Aries denotes that it is better to go it alone than it is to hate your partner.  

LIBRA – There is no reason to cooperate anymore. The North Node in Aries states that a partner now goes their own way. Start something new, whether in publishing, government, politics or the arts, communicating with the public.  

SCORPIO – Accusations are proven false. The North Node in Aries promises you a return to life as normal. Resentments will only imprison your psychology. Banish the past. Move on.  

SAGITTARIUS – Stop working on other peoples’, companies’ or industries’ ideas. The North Node in Aries urges you to get the money you need, whether through grants, employment, a patron or a secured bank loan, and to focus upon your own creative vision.  

CAPRICORN – The business partnerships of the professional workplace now exhaust even the worldly & ambitious Capricorn the Goat. How can that be? Because, as the North Node in Aries surmises, a lot of it has nothing to do with you. If you are a parent, your family & children become a valid outlet. Whether if so or if not, the motivation is the same – you want to know, “Why did I wake up this morning? What does this mean to me?”  

AQUARIUS – Stop appeasing impartial authorities, whether a judge, a publisher, your professor. The North Node in Aries dares the Waterbearer to say what they want & to speak their mind. Hilarious! Scandalous! Shocking!  

PISCES – Loan no money. Save more money. Manage your money more carefully. Work more hours to make more money. The North Node in Aries puts it as simply as possible, “Money money money.” Money money money!

$ The North Node and the South Node, or the Nodes of the Moon, represent current & past life karma, respectively, according to astrologer Martin Schulman. Astronomically, the North Node & the South Node are the two points at which the Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic, setting a timetable for large-scale Solar & Lunar Eclipses over time.